

早在幼儿园, we are dedicated to ensuring that we educate even our youngest minds and hearts on the importance of embracing and celebrating the diversity of cultures, 语言, 以及我们整个社区和世界的身份认同. We are encouraging acceptance and appreciation at every class level in the following ways:


在我们的社区课上, 幼稚园学生, 课上我, and 课上我I begin their journey of developing a greater understanding of and appreciation for differences. They discover and learn how these differences create a mosaic of human experiences, which are central elements in a fulfilling and enriching learning environment and prepare the foundation for a successful life. 通过各种查询为主, 个人, 还有小组项目, they are guided and encouraged to see themselves as active and productive participants in creating a better world for themselves and their respective communities.


The 较低的学校 Spanish program’s emphasis on cultural 探索 is centered around providing students with several immersive, 作为有意义的现实生活体验的机会, 真正的学习


II班学习纽约市的地理和人文, 关注这座城市是如何随着时间而变化的. 通过频繁的实地考察,课程变得生动起来, 实践项目, 书, 照片, 以及在线(视听)媒体.


三班学生有效地学习, 记, and critically look at current events and history through multiple lenses, understanding the rights and responsibilities of people as global citizens. 我们学习的一些主题包括地理, 联合国, 儿童权利与可持续发展目标, 以及坚强的女性变革者和榜样.


课上我V students build an understanding of democracy and its role in building and sustaining communities.

通过精选的历史非虚构图画书, 小说, 以及数字文章, 课上我V students learn about and investigate the history of various social justice movements in the United States. Through this study, students gain exposure to a variety of change-makers and social justice leaders. They use this knowledge as a foundation for their final cumulative research project and presentation.



As students navigate their own identities and learn more about the cultures and experiences of their classmates, 我们认为为表达提供出口是很重要的, 探索, 以及对彼此历史和遗产的欣赏. We are encouraging acceptance and appreciation at every class level in the following ways:


Through an advising curriculum rooted in conversations about race and identity, 以及互补性的集会和市政厅会议, students deepen their understanding of systemic 种族歧视 and other forms of intolerance, 包括反犹太主义, 伊斯兰恐惧症, 排外情绪, 恐同症, 变性恐惧症和性别歧视, 他们就会变得脆弱, 语言, and tools to create a community and world that is actively anti-racist and equitable.


Members of the 中学 Inclusivity board work with the Director of Diversity to plan programming for assemblies and various cultural celebrations.


安慰, 连接, 勇气:在这个过程中, students develop the following skills: COMFORT with discussing challenging topics, which will come from a safe and trust-filled environment created together; the motivation and ability to make CONNECTIONS with others, especially others with whom they have less in common; and the COURAGE to engage in the work of creating a more inclusive and equitable community for all, 在蓝门里面和外面.


在学生升入中学的那一年, 他们沉浸在一门以种族为重点的课程中, 种族歧视, 反种族主义, 以及美国的人权问题. Beginning with a study of the Black Lives Matter movement and race in contemporary America, 随着一年的展开, students uncover how systems of oppression were built and how Americans have worked and sacrificed to try to dismantle them. 为了追求真理, 我们放大了叙事中缺失的声音, and the year culminates in students' creation of memorials to those Americans not sufficiently recognized by history.



As we prepare our older students to lead at Nightingale and after they walk out of our blue doors, we are dedicated to providing opportunities and responsibilities for critical engagement around topics of race, 股本, and social justice that empower our students to be catalysts for social change. The following resources and initiatives are designed to support these conversations:


四年以上, 学生反思社会问题, 他们在社区中的角色, 以及他们如何做出积极的改变. They identify leadership behaviors and hone communication skills through public speaking. The sequence culminates by answering life’s essential questions through a multitude of lenses and educating minds and hearts in a way only Nightingale can do.


在高中包容性委员会的领导下, students in the 上学校 have dedicated time during the school day to engage in conversations about shared identity and fellowship.


We strive to give students the skills they need to become globally competent youth. 通过讨论世界各地的时事, 服务当地社区, 和旅行, students are immersed in situations that demonstrate the breadth of experiences and cultures across the globe.


  • 学生多元化领导会议(SDLC)
  • 学生多元化意识倡议(DAIS)
  • 拉丁裔青年会议 to Latinx Educators in New York Independent Schools
  • 拉丁裔青年会议
  • 亚洲青年领袖联盟(YALA)晚会


  • 亚洲文化俱乐部
  • 拉丁俱乐部
  • 有色人种女性站(LOCS)
  • 光谱
  • 犹太文化俱乐部
  • CAFÉ(全民文化意识)
  • 妇女权利俱乐部